Get to Know USDA Local Food Grants

Get to Know USDA Local Food Grants

This webinar reviews resources available from the USDA and provides an overview of grants available from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Grants Division. It then focuses in on the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program grants.

Then, an overview of Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program (FMPP and LFPP) grants is provided including funded project examples. A live Q&A follows the interview where you can learn additional details like information about the changes to this year’s Request for Applications (RFA), what cost share/match is required, what you can write into your budget as an eligible expense and what you cannot, and what is an eligible project. The application period is open from May 5th, 2021 through June 21st, 2021 for FMPP and LFPP. 

This year grants are receiving an infusion of funds related to COVID-19 Stimulus Funding, increasing the amount of funds available to award and making the need for applications greater. So, this is the year to apply if you have a compelling project!

For Questions on FMPP email or call 202-720-0933
For Questions on LFPP email or call 202-720-0933

We encourage you to reach out to the USDA with eligible project ideas to ensure you get started on the right footing. In addition, signing up to a peer reviewer is a great way to learn more about how to write these grants and how they are evaluated. And this local food supply chain sheet provides an excellent, color-coded overview of USDA Programs, and which department administers them, that support local food.

Edible-Alpha and the Food Finance Institute are hear to provide technical assistance and support as you work to increase local food projects and grow local food businesses in your communities. Contact us at .

Additional Resources